WTF did she just say?

The Self-Love Hack that no-one talks about

Sandra Priestley Season 2 Episode 128

Nope ... the way to self-love isn't bubble baths with rose petals and face masks (though I DO love Dr. Jart masks).

Listen in on the one hack that DOES increase your self-love, my thoughts on why 75 Hard works in ways you didn't expect and MY version of 75 Hard which is more fun and less punishment, but still commitment and goal attainment.

90 REAL???  I dunno ... it's doing THE WORK ... a 90 day challenge that will shift your shit.  Link is below ... it is life-changing.

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"THE WORK" 90 day challenge:

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Speaker 1:

I'm so glad that you're here. You are listening to what the fuck did she just say with your host? That's me, sandra Priestly. I'm all about living our best life and finding our zone of brilliance and then removing the resistance so that we can go all in. I say random, crazy shit, which is why I called this podcast the way that I did, and I really hate long drawn out intros. So let's fucking go.

Speaker 1:

I know you've all seen those posts about self-love and self-care on social media and it sounds a lot like bubble baths with rose petals and face masks. You know, and those things are, are nice, actually, no. Face masks yes, I'm currently obsessed with those Dr Jart face masks. They look a little weird, like Hannibal Lecter, but they are so wonderful. I love how they feel. But bubble baths with rose petals they're just a no for me. Imagine you've got a bubble bath. You throw in expensive rose petals. You lay in there, they're floating around, they might even feel nice. You pick a few of them up and you feel the rose petals and they're nice and soft. But after you've had a wonderful relaxing bath, is there anything relaxing about having to clean out the bathtub with all of these soppy petals? No, just no, no. So those aren't nice.

Speaker 1:

Face masks, yes, nice, but the highest form of self-love is keeping promises you've made to yourself. If you read the four agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz, one of the agreements is be impeccable with your word. And that doesn't just mean with other people, it means with you as well. If you won't trust a friend who constantly cancels on you, why do you cancel on yourself? Like, think about that. If you asked a friend to go for a walk with you every single day and she never fucking showed up or she canceled on you every single time, you wouldn't trust her. But we do that to ourselves all the time. We say to ourselves we set a commitment to ourselves and we decide we're going to walk every single day and then we don't. But every time you break a promise for yourself, it weakens your own trust and you prove to yourself that you can't be counted on. And that sucks. To recognize that you're doing that to yourself, doesn't it? I mean, I freaking hate it. And what happens for me is that a lot of times I will stop making promises. I feel like that's what I did last year. I just stopped promising, I stopped committing to myself because I was self-sabotaging. But when you can start small and you can do something every single day, commit to one thing every single day, what happens is you build that unshakable confidence in yourself. When you do what you said you were going to do, you don't even have to try to be confident, you just are because, deep down, you trust yourself. When you do what you said you were going to do, you don't even have to be try to be confident, you just are because, deep down, you trust yourself.

Speaker 1:

A lot of people do the 75 hard challenge in an attempt to lose weight, but it's more than that. What it is is forcing you to commit to yourself and commit to doing something that's quite frankly hard and commit to doing something that's quite frankly hard. So the 75 hard challenges two 45 minute workouts. One workout must be outdoors. You follow a diet of your choice, you drink a gallon of water, you take a progress picture every day there's no alcohol and no cheat meals and you read 10 pages of personal development. That's the 75 part. You can't like listen to a podcast. You can't like it is read 10 pages. It's that specific.

Speaker 1:

Now, here's the thing it's about the commitment to yourself, and what happens is. It ends up building your confidence and it ends up like just shifting everything in your life. It's about committing to yourself and having integrity for your, with yourself, with your word. It's not about motivation. Motivation is a trap. If you are counting on motivation to keep you active in some sort of commitment, you're fucking kidding yourself because it's not going to work. You have to commit to yourself and get up and do the work, even when you don't want to, and especially when you don't want to. A friend of mine did 75 hard and it was pouring rain and she had to do a 45 minute workout outside. Do you think she really wanted to? She fucking did not. She so did not. But she was so committed to herself and when she did follow that plan and she hit all the way to 75 days, she became unstoppable. She felt unstoppable. She felt like there was nothing she couldn't do and her business changed and her life changed and her size changed, but like everything changed and it was so much more than just the workout and the weight loss. It was her knowing she could do something hard, her committing to herself.

Speaker 1:

The highest form of self-love is keeping a promise you've made to yourself. So let's talk about how we sabotage ourselves, and I'm going to use my 90 day challenge, the work, as an example. So one of the things that I suggest we do is you choose the goal, and it doesn't matter if it's a weight loss goal, a decluttering goal, it doesn't matter if it's a business goal, a personal goal, a relationship goal, I don't give a shit what the goal is. Then you choose at least one, no more than two things to do, habits to commit to, under three categories mindset, energy and action. And I'm telling you, if you do this, your life will fucking change Like it will full stop it will. So one thing that I make sure that the women don't do is over-promise and under-deliver.

Speaker 1:

Let's say they decide that, for under the energy category, they're going to meditate every single day. Now, they've not done any meditation so far. They have wanted to meditate. They might've tried it a few times, didn't really like it, but they believe that meditation is the thing that will change their lives, and PS, it will. But if you haven't been able to commit to five minutes of meditation, I don't want you to start with a goal of meditation for an hour a day. You're going to fuck up every single time. So you got to set yourself up to win. In order to do that, you take on a small goal and you commit to it every single day. I'm also going to say if you have not been committing to yourself thus far, I want you to choose one thing meditate one thing under mindset, energy and action, not two. There's a reason why I say no more than two ever, because you will feel like a failure every time. You won't be able to commit to that. Start small and move up.

Speaker 1:

The other thing is we make the commitment real in the work. We write it down. We refer to it every single day. If you are kind of saying to yourself, yeah, I really should do this, I really should go for a walk every day, okay, you're going to forget that in five seconds. So, in order to follow through, we're going to start small. We're going to write out the promise that we make to ourselves. We're not going to make excuses, we're going to make adjustments and we're going to talk to ourself like a friend. You wouldn't tell your best friend she's a failure because she missed a day, but you would tell her to get herself back on track. And so you need to do the same for yourself.

Speaker 1:

Keeping your word to yourself is such a radical act of self-respect and self-love. And when you do that, when you commit to yourself and you show up every day and you reflect every single day without judgment, but you keep trying and you keep showing up and you keep doing the work, you stop second guessing yourself, you stop looking outside of yourself for validation and you trust yourself. You build your confidence and you start to change your fucking life. Decide you're going to do one thing, one small thing, every single day. Push yourself slightly, but not too much. Do it for every single day for one week and then come back, dm me, post about it, tag me, tell me what you did and tell me how you feel if you want to join us in the work.

Speaker 1:

If you sign up today, you start tomorrow. The best day to start is right, fucking now. Actually now go do the work. Thank you so much for listening. I hope you've had some laughs, maybe some ideas, and that you've been inspired to take some type of action toward the life you've always dreamed of. If you feel so called, I would love it if you would share with your besties and leave a review down below. I look forward to bringing you along on this journey and I will see you in the next episode.

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