WTF did she just say?

Do you struggle with affirmations? Two options that make you rethink them! ✨

Sandra Priestley Season 2 Episode 122
Speaker 1:

I'm so glad that you're here. You are listening to what the fuck did she just say with your host? That's me, sandra Priestly. I'm all about living our best life and finding our zone of brilliance and then removing the resistance so that we can go all in. I say random, crazy shit, which is why I called this podcast the way that I did, and I really hate long drawn out intros, so let's fucking go.

Speaker 1:

I had a conversation with my biz bestie this morning and we were talking about affirmations. Now, what's great is that she used to be the girl who was constantly saying to me how incredible affirmations were. She would say an affirmation or write out affirmations all the time in an effort to reprogram our subconscious mind and manifest incredible things, and she could do this every single time. She would write out the affirmation. It was something like um, I have room for a new client, I have room and energy, I have space in my calendar and energy for a new client, bam, and energy for a new client, bam. She would get a new client. A new client would just like pop out of the air. She just manifested it like wild and she kept saying to me affirmations, write them out, write them out say them. This entire time I thought she was still an affirmations girl. This morning we were talking about our dreams, where we want to go, what we want to do and really what we want to bring into our lives, and we were talking about what was holding us back. That's going to have to be for a totally other podcast, but when we started talking about affirmations, she said she needed to get neutral. Now, getting to neutral is something that I talk about a lot. Making things neutral instead of emotionally charged allows so much greater power and leverage and manifesting ability. If we can't feel extremely positive and excited for something when we speak it into the universe, we need to go neutral. One of the things if you watch Amanda Francis all the time money manifestation queen she talks about money being neutral. Money is just a resource. Debt shouldn't be emotionally charged. Debt is just the fact that you chose to purchase something now and pay it off in time. That's it. Money is neutral. It's a neutral resource. It's when we attach emotion to it that it becomes the problem. So if you can't attach positive emotions to it, go neutral. This is what my best bestie was saying. She said she was starting to say affirmations and she was catching herself feeling negatively about it, and so instead, what she chose to do was go more neutral.

Speaker 1:

If we use the money example, an example might be where you feel as though you've got a real lack mentality and maybe a lot of debt that is cropping up, and so what you really want is to believe that you're good with money. You really want to believe that you're good with money. You really want to believe that you're good with money, and so you say I am great with money, but what if you're sitting $100,000 in debt? It's really hard to say those affirmations and know the truth. It feels like a lie, feels like a lie. So instead, what you can do is go neutral. Instead, the affirmation might be money is just a resource, or life costs money, things cost money, like, just neutralize it completely. Once you can reprogram your mind to be that neutral statement, then you can maybe shift to I am better with money, I am working on being better with money, I am the greatest investor ever. I mean, you could shift in small increments.

Speaker 1:

The key to an affirmation is to have no negative feeling with it. Now, this is wild to me that we have this conversation, because I'm feeling like I'm rocking affirmations lately and this is how I flip my thoughts about it. I used to feel like I had to. If I was saying an affirmation, it had to be a hundred percent true. Well, if it's a hundred percent true in the back of my mind, then I'm already saying it.

Speaker 1:

But for me, I see affirmations as a reprogramming of my subconscious mind. So it's not necessarily truth, but it is what I want to be true. And I know that whatever is going on in the back of my mind, whatever I am thinking my talk track, my self-talk, the stuff where it's like I can't lose weight I'm such a failure. Why is this not working? Why can't I do this? Why am I unhappy? All of that crap? It's just our subconscious thoughts that are getting in the way of everything that we desire. So I decide what I want, I choose my affirmations and I say them out loud as a mechanism to reprogram my subconscious mind. So if I want to lose weight with ease, I might say it's easy for me to lose weight. I will lose weight with ease. The more I walk, the more weight I lose. The more I work on my health, the more weight I lose. The more water I drink, the more weight I lose, and I literally just start to say these things. I don't have any emotion attached to them. I don't believe that I'm lying to myself. I just am starting to repeat over and over and over again what I want to be true, until I can reprogram my mind. Until they are true.

Speaker 1:

Affirmations can be massively powerful, but we need to decide what we make them mean and then find the technique or the strategy that works well for us. Don't give up because you try affirmations and it doesn't work and it doesn't feel right, and then you decide that it's not for you. I've done that before. It doesn't work. But really dig in and try a number of different tactics Writing out affirmations, try saying them while you walk.

Speaker 1:

I love going for a walk and saying affirmations in my mind to the rhythm of the walk itself. Affirmations are massively powerful and all you need to do is find what works for you and do it more, and the only way that you can do that is by trying and trying again. Good luck. Thank you so much for listening. I hope you've had some laughs, maybe some ideas, and that you've been inspired to take some type of action toward the life you've always dreamed of. If you feel so called, I would love it if you would share with your besties and leave a review down below. I look forward to bringing you along on this journey and I will see you in the next episode.

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