WTF did she just say?

Can our thoughts be acidic? A chat with my acupuncturist!

Sandra Priestley Season 2 Episode 121
Speaker 1:

I'm so glad that you're here. You are listening to what the fuck did she just say with your host? That's me, sandra Priestly. I'm all about living our best life and finding our zone of brilliance and then removing the resistance so that we can go all in. I say random, crazy shit, which is why I called this podcast the way that I did, and I really hate long drawn out intros, so let's fucking go.

Speaker 1:

I went to the acupuncturist yesterday for a treatment session and we were talking. We were talking about a whole bunch of things. She started talking about how our bodies are naturally acidic, but the more acidic they become, the more cancer cells sort of love that acidic body. I don't even know, actually, what she said leading up to this one point, because it was just mind blowing when she spoke. She said this is acidic and this is acidic and these things are acidic and thoughts are acidic. And I went, well, wait, what thoughts are acidic? And she said, well, yeah, and I was just mind blown and so I said, okay, wait a minute. So negative thoughts I could see being acidic. I mean I was totally going there, even though my thought process is going. How could thoughts be acidic like that? I mean it was hard for me to grasp but I said, okay, wait a minute. So then would positive thoughts be alkali? And she said, well, that would make sense, right. But I do think that she probably meant thoughts can trigger a biological or physiological response that could make the body more acidic, like that's what I think that she was grasping at. But I love this idea, this concept of thoughts being acidic, because, like then, all of a sudden it's like whoa, I need some more alkali thoughts, like I totally grasped onto this concept.

Speaker 1:

I came back from my appointment and I started to look and and it does talk, like on the research that I found, which was very, very quick. But you know, it talks about our bodies having this delicate pH balance and when you shift towards a highly acidic body, it definitely like screws up a lot with a lot of your systems. There was an example of how increased acidity in the brain was linked to issues like anxiety and depression. Makes so much sense, right. And then there was this article or research journal, a journal article in psychology today that talked about how our thoughts directly impact our body's chemistry. So, stressful or negative, stressful thoughts or negative thinking can release cortisol, right. And so, of course, increased cortisol affects, totally affects our body and also can affect our body's pH balance, making it more acidic. And also, if you have a negative thought which leads to a negative emotion, it can trigger a physical response and that could potentially lead to increased acidity in the body. So like, while acidic thoughts isn't necessarily mainstream concept, there is evidence that our mental state can influence our body's chemistry, which includes our acidity or alkali levels.

Speaker 1:

So I wanted to come on here and share this with you because I thought it was just such an interesting concept and I don't want you to be scared of your thoughts, and we did have this conversation too. It was like negative thoughts are okay, negative thoughts are just activations. Negative thoughts are okay to feel. We do have a natural yin and yang to everything, and that includes negative thoughts. The problem is, if we spend way more time in the negative way, more time in the fear, in the negative self-talk and wanting to get ourselves out of it, if we want a different life, if we want a healthier life, focus on the positive thoughts as much as you can Recognize, acknowledge the negative ones, because we do have that yin and yang, but don't hang out there. Don't hang out there and spend all of your time in the negative, in the worry, in the fear, in the even the you know that space where you can get, where it's just like oh, my life sucks, why is this me? You cannot move forward when you're looking in the rear view mirror.

Speaker 1:

One of the things that we do in the work in my 90 day challenge we have to focus on mindset. We have to and, to be honest with you, I mean the goal is to do all three things every single day, and that's how we're going to get to our goal. I don't care if you get there in 90 days. I don't care if you do all three things every single day, but what I do care about are a few things. Number one is I want you to recognize your mindset. I want you to work on your mindset every single day, because the more that you work on being positive, focusing on clearing out those negative beliefs, focusing on strengthening that mental muscle that we have, the easier the other two aspects of that goal attainment is going to be.

Speaker 1:

And feeling like shit about not completing a goal is the absolute opposite thing that we want to do in mindset, right, feeling like shit about not being able to continue turns into I'm going to say it an acidic thought, and we don't want acidic thoughts. We want alkali, positive, strengthening thoughts. Have a good day. Thank you so much for listening. I hope you've had some laughs, maybe some ideas, and that you've been inspired to take some type of action toward the life you've always dreamed of. If you feel so called, I would love it if you would share with your besties and leave a review down below. I look forward to bringing you along on this journey and I will see you in the next episode.

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