Oh my goshhhhhhhhhh welcome to my podcast!!! I'm so excited that you're here and I am honoured that you choose to place ME in your AirPods every week!!!
Here's a bit about me:
My name is Sandra. I'm a business coach for women, a feng shui practitioner and a 2x national leadership award winner. In saying all of that though, I feel like I'm just a girl from Saskatchewan, who is put on this earth to inspire you to step into your power ... right fuckin' now.
I think that all too often, we convince ourselves that there is nothing we can do ... that our life "is what it is" and that ONE DAY we might be able to have the life that we dreamed of.
Uhmmmm NO.
That's bullshit.
Sorry ... but it's true. In a split second, you can choose differently. In THIS moment, you can take that courageous step toward the life you desire. It's my job, my gift and my obsession to help you share your sparkle with the world and I'm excited to get started.
I'm so glad that you're here. You are listening to. What the fuck did she just say with your host? That's me, sandra Priestly. I'm all about living our best life and finding our zone of brilliance and then removing the resistance so that we can go all in. I say random, crazy shit, which is why I called this podcast the way that I did, and I really hate long drawn out intros, so let's fucking go.
Speaker 1:
What you might not know about me is that I love to cook. I'm not a big fan of baking, but I do love. I love great food and I love to cook, and one of my favorite chefs is actually Jamie Oliver. There's something about the way that he describes the food. You know he's not just a chef. There's something about how excited he gets about the food, about how lovely he believes the ingredients are and the mission to just get people cooking.
Speaker 1:
He was being interviewed on a talk show and he had to answer the question of what is his? What was the very first meal that ever sort of turned him on to cooking? So he said when he was a nine-year-old boy he was really struggling in school. He's dyslexic and there wasn't much that he was doing well in school at this time and the teacher spoke to his dad and sort of said he's not doing good here and he's not doing, you know, he's not doing good here and he's not doing well here and he's not doing good here. And on the weekend, that same weekend, he cooked an entire like a chicken dinner for his family. So he had the potatoes and the gravy and like side note, I can cook anything but rice and gravy, like I don't know why I can't cook them, but you know. So I'm thinking nine-year-old kid making gravy, like impressive. But he made this chicken dinner full with all the fixings for his entire family and his dad looked at him and said how amazing, like it was really good. And he said the hair stood up on the back of his neck and it just became the thing that he was really good at.
Speaker 1:
And you know he said like I'm, I'm not that good in school and I'm not that good of a reader, and yet he likes to read, he loves to cook and he's written. I think he's written 29 cookbooks. I could be wrong with that number, but I'm pretty sure it's 29. He's got more shows than I've ever seen. I mean seen, I mean so many of them and he just absolutely loves food, good cooking. He loves working with his hands and he's just so passionate about what it is that he does.
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He's more than a chef. There are chefs out there that are very technical, they're very good, but he's special because he is absolutely passionate about getting people back in the kitchen, getting people to just use the foods that are available, and it doesn't have to cost money. He really talks about simple foods, good foods, simple ingredients, using things that you've got in your cupboard, using things that you grow in your garden, and getting people back to basics and back in the kitchen. He also talks about how good home cooking can improve grades in schools and he just encourages people because he believes, so much so that getting back in the kitchen cooking your own food is a part of everything. That is like everything that would make the world better place, everything that is like everything that would make the world better place. Listening to that, listening to someone with such passion about what they're doing, is something I think we miss. One of the things that I love to do when I work with my clients is ask them why are you doing the thing that you do? Why are you selling the products you sell. Why are you creating this business and why do you want? Why are you so passionate about volunteering in a space? What are you passionate about? Because when we can find that, when you can find in yourself the thing that you literally can't stop talking about, the thing that you are so passionate about, that you could talk and talk and talk and shout from the rooftops about. When you can do that every single day, it really is like you're not working.
Speaker 1:
Imagine if. Imagine if Jamie had not found cooking or I believe you kind of find it, but like imagine if someone had said to Jamie you've got to go to school, you've got to go to university and you have to get a job like lawyer, doctor, teacher. Imagine how frustrating that would be, how frustrating that would be. It's just not his zone of brilliance. Imagine if he forced himself to go into school, forced himself to go into university, felt like he was struggling all the time. Imagine how that feels. But yet he found something he was naturally good at, passionate about, and he found the way that works for him. And look at how successful he is.
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I want you to find the thing that you're passionate about and do more of that. When you find the thing that you are most passionate about and you do that consistently, happiness is around the corner. We spend a lot of fucking time trying to force ourselves to do things that we think we should do or that everyone else thinks that we should do. We're trying to just put ourselves into this box that everyone else is in. We are not meant to be an egg in an egg carton. What happens if we just spent some time finding our gifts, leaning on those gifts, speaking our truth, being our authentic selves? When we do, we're naturally happier. The only thing we need to do is get rid of the barriers that we have in the back of our minds where we're telling ourselves we can't fucking do that.
Speaker 1:
When I have worked with clients and we find their thing, magic happens, and it can for you too. Happens, and it can for you too. Thank you so much for listening. I hope you've had some laughs, maybe some ideas, and that you've been inspired to take some type of action toward the life you've always dreamed of. If you feel so called, I would love it if you would share with your besties and leave a review down below. I look forward to bringing you along on this journey and I will see you in the next episode.