WTF did she just say?

This is me ... 🎶 ...inspired by instagram

• Sandra Priestley • Season 2 • Episode 117

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BRAND NEW CONTAINER in 2025: "THE WORK" w/ Sandra Priestley


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Speaker 1:

I'm so glad that you're here. You are listening to what the fuck did she just say with your host? That's me, sandra Priestly. I'm all about living our best life and finding our zone of brilliance and then removing the resistance so that we can go all in. I say random, crazy shit, which is why I called this podcast the way that I did, and I really hate long drawn out intros, so let's fucking go On. Yesterday's episode.

Speaker 1:

I mentioned that I found the coolest thing on Instagram and I wanted to make sure that I had a completely separate episode dedicated to it. Here's what it was. It was me showing up in Instagram stories. I love it so much and as I was going over and reading and rereading, I thought I needed to share it with you here. So here goes. You can also find this on my stories highlights. If you go to my Instagram page, it's Sandra R Priestley and that's linked in the show notes below. Anyway, but go to my highlight section, click on. This is me. I'm going to read it for you here. I just think it's incredible because it's such a good representation of how I got to where I was by this time in 2022. Here goes, here goes.

Speaker 1:

I wrote a post. A few comments on it revealed how little people actually knew me. We grow, we evolve, we should. So for those of you who thought you knew me before you likely don't Let me reintroduce myself. Hi, I'm Sandra. Grab a coffee, a tea or a glass of wine, a gin and tonic or a shot of tequila anything but water and hang out for a bit. I love all kinds of music, but my fave country. It's why I often have it playing behind my stories. For the record, my son's playlist is the best, but he won't share his Apple ID with me. Hashtag kids are assholes.

Speaker 1:

I went to University of Saskatchewan. I have a BA in sociology. I'm a proud Canadian and I'm also proud to say I'm from Saskatchewan. My prices are in CAD, which doesn't seem smart from a marketing perspective, as most coaches charge in USD, which doesn't seem smart from a marketing perspective, as most coaches charge in USD. So mine seems higher, but yet I actually care less about how my prices appear and more about the fact that Canadians should be able to price things in our own freaking currency.

Speaker 1:

Fun facts from my university days. I worked at a dance club where the uniform was the tightest, shortest black dress you could ever find. I was a server, not a dancer. I was also a server at a brew pub and I modeled for an agency in my spare time and used to do runway. Because of my height I'm 5'10" I was the first female to ever join the Hub City Boxing Club in Saskatoon. I joined for the exercise female to ever join the Hub City Boxing Club in Saskatoon. I joined for the exercise. Not to compete On our outdoor runs. The trainer made one of the guys run slower with me to ensure I was safe on the campus at night.

Speaker 1:

My first job was working for a private clinic who assessed and taught children and adults with learning disabilities. I had no idea that I was dyslexic myself until I worked there. Now both of my kids have been assessed and I'm pissed at how tough it is for parents to get help for their kids in the school system. I vow to be an advocate always. During that job I spoke at the Learning Disabilities Association of Canada National Conference the Fonz Henry Winkler spoke to and in this I show a picture of myself standing with him and I am literally a foot taller and I said told you, I was tall.

Speaker 1:

I then started my career with the federal government. I was all kinds of clerks a parole officer, a case manager and, for the last eight years of my career, a team manager. I loved them all in some ways and I won some pretty incredible awards. By far this is the one I'm most proud of. It was a national leadership award and I was nominated by my team. But there was so much more to me and I realized that, no matter how much I love to lead, no matter how much I pushed the lines of what was acceptable in order to be the most me, I knew I wanted more.

Speaker 1:

I quit before I turned 50 with a huge goal, big balls and a belief that I cannot fail. I refused to get to the end of my life and wonder what if I wasn't scared? What could I have accomplished? And I'm damn determined to help other women too. So welcome to all of me now that I'm finally free. I swear like a motherfucker. I've been told I would sell more, win more, be more if I didn't, but guess what? I don't give a fuck. The worst thing to me would be for you to hire me and realize I'm not what you thought. The people who work with me and love me will accept me for all of me.

Speaker 1:

My life changed because of an SJP shoe store. Today, I wear those Sarah Jessica Parker shoes on every podcast I record and during most trainings I call it big shoe energy. It's like big dick energy, but more powerful. And while I'm here, I say crazy shit out of nowhere Most of the time when I'm speaking, but sometimes it flies through my fingers here. There is so much more to know about me and I'll be sharing more here, but what I most want you to know is that I believe in you more than you know.

Speaker 1:

I've taken women from where they are to extraordinary, from zero to 3 million, from overwhelmed to store shelves, from fear to faith. It isn't because I have the magic course that changes everything. It's because my zone of brilliance is being able to see yours. I know what it's like because I've been there too, and now I'm not. It took work, it took faith, it took guts, it took risks. It's going to take even more because my dream is fucking huge. But isn't that better than sitting still stuck or worse? I'll go first and I'll be here when you want to come along, thank you.

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