WTF did she just say?

The key to designing a business you love is to look a little closer to "home"

Sandra Priestley Season 2 Episode 109

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Speaker 1:

I'm so glad that you're here. You are listening to what the fuck did she just say with your host? That's me, sandra Priestly. I'm all about living our best life and finding our zone of brilliance and then removing the resistance so that we can go all in. I say random, crazy shit, which is why I called this podcast the way that I did, and I really hate long drawn out intros, so let's fucking go.

Speaker 1:

Okay, if you are out there and you are thinking that you want to create a business, you want to create a business, you want to start a business, or you want to shift your business in some way, because you want to burn it to the ground right now, because it's pissing you off, or you're feeling very stuck, or things are just going at a snail's pace because you are not sure what to do, where to go, how to turn. This is what I want you to do. I want you to think about creating your business using as much of your strengths as possible and very little weakness. You can design your business to rely on your strengths. When you do that, you don't want to burn it to the fucking ground, if I will even. Actually, when I started this business, I was a lot more tech heavy than I ever should have been, because I hate the tech shit, shit. So for me to develop a business that relied on me having a website and funnels and lending pages and offer pages and coupons, and I mean, why did I do this To this day? I could have done it so much differently than I did, and I see this so many times.

Speaker 1:

People decide that they want to open a business and then they do what they think they should do instead of creating a business, designing their business to suit them and their strengths. When you do that, you don't get sick and tired of working in it. It's literally so easy. It feels like what are we even doing here? Why isn't everyone doing this? This is so easy. I can come onto this podcast and I can talk. I have no notes, I never have notes. I can come on and talk on this podcast with ease. I can do live trainings with maybe five words on a board and I can talk for an hour. That is easy to me. It's not always easy for everyone, but it's easy for me. So that's how I've now designed my business. I think we spend far too much time trying to do things perfectly like we think they should be done, but in the end we design something that we don't love. Your business should be a combination of what you are best at, what you love and what you're most passionate about.

Speaker 1:

I spoke with a woman one time. She was working for the government and she really wanted to get out of the government work and do something for herself. She wanted to have her own business, but she had no idea what that thing was. It didn't take very long to realize that this woman brought in baking. Every few days, if not every single day, she had something new. She found baking relaxing. She found it so much fun and also she loved to do the dishes. She said it was the most relaxing thing. It was like meditation, right, the dishes. Like I try to stuff everything I can into the dishwasher and just like hope that it all comes out clean. Like I don't want to wash dishes, but she loved washing dishes by hand. So I mean she found it easy to bake. She found it fun to find new recipes. She found it relaxing to do the dishes.

Speaker 1:

And when we were talking about this, she said that she would love to go into schools and talk to either the kids or the teachers or the parents about the benefits of good nutrition and how sugar can negatively impact their learning and how, even just how much healthier you can make kids' foods, kids' lunches, kids' snacks when you make them at home, versus the things that you buy in the store. And she was extremely passionate about that, and I I sat there listening thinking well, of course you need a bakery specializes in making snacks and lunch ideas for their kids' lunches. That goes one further and goes into educating parents and educating kids on healthy meals and how that impacts them. It's so clear to me that she would have been amazing at this. Now, I don't know, she may be doing this, she may have some incredible little bakery that I don't know about. She moved away.

Speaker 1:

But this is what I want you to really think about today. Today is Motivation Monday, so I want you to think about what is it that you are just the best at? What is it that you are passionate about? What do you love to do? What feels relaxing to you, what feels so easy to you that it seems like everyone should be able to do it? Not everyone does. Not everyone wants to go home at 11 o'clock at night and start making Rice Krispie Squares? I don't, but she would have. She would have cracked open a brand new gluten-free cookie recipe at 1130 at night because she loved it so much and it was so easy for her.

Speaker 1:

What is easy for you may not be easy for everyone else. You just assume that it might be because it's so effortless for you. Find the thing that seems effortless to you and look to what you're passionate about. Create a business from there, create a life from there. When we start to focus more on our strengths and using them instead of fixing our weaknesses.

Speaker 1:

When we fix our weaknesses, when that's what we focus on is trying to create what we think everyone else expects us to do, what we believe we should do, even though it's not a strength of ours, we just weaken those strengths that we do have. When we spend all of our time using our gifts, magic happens. Focus on your strengths. Don't worry about fixing your weaknesses. Focus on what you're best at and do more of that. Thank you so much for listening. I hope you've had some laughs, maybe some ideas, and that you've been inspired to take some type of action toward the life you've always dreamed of. If you feel so called, I would love it if you would share with your besties and leave a review down below. I look forward to bringing you along on this journey and I will see you in the next episode.

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