WTF did she just say?
Oh my goshhhhhhhhhh welcome to my podcast!!! I'm so excited that you're here and I am honoured that you choose to place ME in your AirPods every week!!!
Here's a bit about me:
My name is Sandra. I'm a business coach for women, a feng shui practitioner and a 2x national leadership award winner. In saying all of that though, I feel like I'm just a girl from Saskatchewan, who is put on this earth to inspire you to step into your power ... right fuckin' now.
I think that all too often, we convince ourselves that there is nothing we can do ... that our life "is what it is" and that ONE DAY we might be able to have the life that we dreamed of.
Uhmmmm NO.
That's bullshit.
Sorry ... but it's true. In a split second, you can choose differently. In THIS moment, you can take that courageous step toward the life you desire. It's my job, my gift and my obsession to help you share your sparkle with the world and I'm excited to get started.
You got this. Let's go.
WTF did she just say?
Did I channel Mel Robbins?
What's cool about this podcast is that ... it's mine ... and I can do what I want ... so today's episode is the cole's notes version of a Jan 5th episode of the Mel Robbins Podcast.
Because dammit it if her exact 6 step process to achieving any goal is EXACTLY how I created THE WORK (and it's not like I googled this, nor followed anyone's script for it ... I just created THE WORK based on what I knew I needed and what I knew WORKED for me in the past).
If you would like to listen to Mel's full one hour long episode, here it is!
Here are her 6 steps:
1. Define the Goal
2. Write it Down
3. Find the Formula
4. Do the Reps
5. Make it Fun and Easy
6. Don't Quit!
and as I'm typing them out ... I think I would dedicate "Get Support" as a whole 7th step on its own.
Join us in THE WORK and you'll see what I mean. ;)
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I'm so glad that you're here. You are listening to what the fuck did she just say with your host? That's me, sandra Priestly. I'm all about living our best life and finding our zone of brilliance and then removing the resistance so that we can go all in. I say random, crazy shit, which is why I called this podcast the way that I did, and I really hate long drawn out intros, so let's fucking go.
Speaker 1:I decided to do something different today. I just finished listening to the Mel Robbins podcast. It was episode 251 and the title is how to Achieve Any Goal you have in Six Simple Steps. One thing that I love about Mel is that she tries to take complex things and make them as simple as humanly possible, and then she adds some research to it, and it's really interesting. Now I listened to this podcast and I thought it was so, so good, but I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that these six simple steps that she has spent so much time figuring out are exactly why I created the work and every single aspect. I mean I spent time really thinking about what do I need? Why do I need it? How can I help? What do I need to achieve a goal? How much support. Do I need? What would make it fun for me and how can I bring women along with me that want to achieve it as well? Like, what do I need? What worked for me? And so when Mel is giving me six simple steps, I'm like dang. The work is created following these six simple steps, and so I'm going to.
Speaker 1:First off, I'm going to link the episode her episode in the show notes below, because I think it's a really, really good one, but I'm also going to give you the Kohl's notes version in this episode, and there's a reason for that. Her episodes are an hour long. I try to keep mine under 15 minutes because when I drove to work, my commute was 15 minutes long. I liked 15 minutes or less podcasts and I couldn't find them. The other thing is that when I was at work, there were days that were really tough and I didn't want to be there. I wanted to be doing my own thing. I felt like I was working in a box, and there were times when I just felt like bitchy, you know. But I had 15 minutes for my coffee break, and so I wanted to listen to something motivational during those coffee breaks so that I could just reset my brain, get back to positivity, remove all the negative energy that I'd picked up throughout the day. And I couldn't fucking do it because all the podcast episodes were an hour long. So I'm scrolling on Facebook, I'm scrolling on Instagram trying to find something that would be interesting, that I to find something that would be interesting, that I could listen to, that would be motivational, that would be positive, and then I would end up seeing something that would piss me off. So what I want to do is I'm going to give you a Coles Notes version of the Mel Robbins podcast. I'm going to tell you why. It's exactly like the things that I've created in the work, the aspects of the work that I love, and I'm going to link her episode in the show notes. So if you do have an hour, I want you to listen to it, because it's really, really good and it's backed by research. Of course. She says a lot of really cool things and she talks about her let them theory, which is a book that I'm reading. I mean, I'm a big Mel Robbins fan, so if you are too, you're going to love the episode, but let's go. So she has again.
Speaker 1:It's called how to achieve any goal you have in six simple steps. So step number one define the goal in the work. That's what we do. What's your fucking goal? A lot of times people will say, well, I want to lift my depression, I want to find happiness, I want financial freedom, I want a thriving business. And then those things. They're so intangible, they're really hard to focus on. One of the things that I loved is Mel said you need to define the goal so that you know when you have achieved it. There's no possible way that you would know when you've achieved happiness Like for how long Is it every day, to the extent of what? Right, so a difference. If you say I want to lose 20 pounds, right, right, like that's measurable, then you're going to know if you've achieved it. Number two is you got to write it down. So in the work we write it down. We start with a goal, we write that goal down and then we actually write down the plan as well, which we'll talk about later.
Speaker 1:One of the things that I liked was she said that the physical act of taking a goal that's in your head and she calls the goal a goal that's just in your head is a dream. So when you physically do the action of taking the dream out of your brain and you ground it into the real world by writing it down. It does something to your hippocampus and all of a sudden it acts like a freaking algorithm for the world. You start to see it as external to you, but you also start to look externally at things that will help you achieve your goal. It's fascinating.
Speaker 1:Number three is find the formula. She says that no matter know, no matter what it is, if you want to write a book, if you want to be a speaker on stage, if you want to lose weight like there's a formula and you just got to follow it. The thing that fucks people up is they want to do it on their own. They want to do their own unique thing and they don't want to follow their friend who lost weight. They don't want to do the same program because they don't want to be copying that person. Like, yeah, we don't care, like in the work, we just don't care. Like we, we can all have the same goal, it doesn't fucking matter. But here's the crazy part I've given you the formula. I've given you the formula for manifestation and for goal achievement and you customize it for you.
Speaker 1:So you write down the goal and the formula is mindset, energy and action. We focus on what we think, how we feel and what we do every day, every single day. What are the steps that you are going to do under mindset? How are you going to work on your mindset? Because if your mindset is in the crapper, you're never going to be able to achieve your goal. That's it. If you're feeling overwhelmed, if you're feeling frustrated, if your energy is negative and shitty and you just feel angry all the time, like we got to work on that, how can we open up for miracles? How can we clear our energy? How can we do the best that we can? Maybe it's even feng shui in your space, maybe it's decluttering, maybe it's making your fucking bed every day. What can you do to make you feel better every single day? That will get you towards your goal? And then, what actions are you going to take that are directly linked to your goal achievement? Like that's the formula. It's the formula and then you can customize it. Number four is doing the reps. It's just doing the fucking work and showing up every single day.
Speaker 1:I loved something that she said under this, and I think she quoted someone. I think it might've been Dr Lee, but basically our brains are hardwired to avoid pain and doing the work. It's painful, like no one wants to get up out of bed every single morning. When I was a beach body coach and I had to get up at 4.30 in the morning because I was doing 80 day obsession, and I had to get up at 4.30 in the morning so that I could fucking eat. And then I went back to bed for like I don't know, I think it was 50 minutes and then I did an hour long workout with autumn Calabrese. There was not one day that I put my foot on the floor and thought, yippee, it's 4.30 in the morning, let's go fucking eat something. I can't wait to work out and lift heavy for an hour, like there wasn't one day.
Speaker 1:The work is not always that glamorous. No one wants to go. Oh, let's measure my food again. Look, no one wants to do that. I don't know anyone that thinks, woohoo, more water. But there's something magical that happens when you say this sentence and the sentence is this is going to suck, but I'm going to do it anyway. Fuck. This was mind blowing to me because I said that numerous times, over and over and over, like every single day. I don't want to do this, but I'm going to do it anyway. That's how I got through 80 days. That's how I got through 80 day obsession. I was not excited about it, not one day, but I finished it. I didn't miss a day. And what happens when you say that this is going to suck, but I'm going to do it anyway? It lowers the resistance that you have for doing the thing. It's a brain hack. It's fucking brilliant.
Speaker 1:Number five is make it fun and easy, and that's what we're doing in the work, because I am using the Telegram app. It's fun. It's got like emojis that dance. It's customizable and I also put in inspiration every day. And plus, hey, guess what? It's just fucking fun to hang out with me and the other girls that are in the group. They're fun too because they're like me. So it just makes it fun. It makes it more fun when you can just show up and be with people who are in the arena with you, you know. And the number six is don't quit.
Speaker 1:Lacey Seitz said one time she's a business coach and she said work it till it works. And I've probably repeated that sentence a thousand times work it till it works. And I've probably repeated that sentence a thousand times Work it till it works. If you do all of these six steps, there is no possible way that it won't work for you. There's no possible way. If you show up every single day, there's no possible way it's not going to work.
Speaker 1:I was interviewed one time by a really good friend of mine, kelly Dunlap, and she was talking about risk-taking and me taking risks. And how was it that I could take risks? And I just said to her I just removed the timeline on achieving the goal and I just focus on the journey, and that's what the work is about. I mean, the work is a 90-day container but I had to put some sort of timeline on it and you can join anytime you want and you can re-sign anytime you want. That's what makes it amazing. But when you remove the timeline, there's a freedom in it and you just start to enjoy the process. There is no possible way you're going to achieve a goal if you hate every single day. And if you do achieve the goal and you hate every single day, was it worth it? I don't know For me, I want to enjoy the journey, I want to enjoy every single day and I want to do the work in order to make that journey fun, pleasurable and successful.
Speaker 1:That's why I created it. The idea that I've created a program I mean, I'm a big, huge Mel Robbins fan, right? So the idea that I created a container that is so perfect. And then I listened to Mel Robbins saying you will achieve every single goal if you just follow the six steps, and my container is these six steps it's mind blowing to me, like to the point of speechlessness, so I just wanted to share. See you tomorrow. Thank you so much for listening. I hope you've had some laughs, maybe some ideas, and that you've been inspired to take some type of action toward the life you've always dreamed of. If you feel so called, I would love it if you would share with your besties and leave a review down below. I look forward to bringing you along on this journey and I will see you in the next episode.