WTF did she just say?

An unexpected realization and a hack to tap into your intuition

Sandra Priestley Season 2 Episode 103
Speaker 1:

I'm so glad that you're here. You are listening to what the fuck did she just say with your host? That's me, sandra Priestly. I'm all about living our best life and finding our zone of brilliance and then removing the resistance so that we can go all in. I say random, crazy shit, which is why I called this podcast the way that I did, and I really hate long drawn out intros, so let's fucking go.

Speaker 1:

I was journaling this morning and that's part of my daily tasks that I do every single day in the work. One of the things it's so shocking but not shocking that it's day number six and I'm just doing the daily work every single day, and every day I have some sort of pivotal realization that I didn't have before. I do know that that's partly because I am dedicated and focused on and we are in this group focused on daily reflection what am I learning about myself every single day? One of the things that I was looking at or considering when I was writing today, or what just flew out of my pen, was to really appreciate some of the personality traits, some of the things about me that I may not even consider, and what flew out of my pen was curiosity. I am crazy, curious and not curious about what is the weather going to be like. I'm not curious about boring shit and I can't stand small talk. I like deep philosophical discussions. I love to know what people think. I love to know why they think what they think. What people think. I love to know why they think what they think. I love to know their deepest beliefs and where they came from. I like to know what changed their life. What was the moment that everything changed for them?

Speaker 1:

And I was thinking about a conversation that I had one time with a woman. She had gone from being in this MLM and not really making very much money to me talking to her for a very short period of time, saying, hey, have you ever thought about doing this? And her making $6 million in I think it was five years and when she was about two or $3 million, her and I were talking and I asked her what she felt made the difference. Like what was the biggest change in her to go from not making money and just like begging for something to click and to work to making millions and millions of dollars on something that was a very inexpensive membership. The thing that she said changed the most was listening to her intuition, listening to her gut, listening to it and moving and not worrying about whether it was going to work or not, just trusting that because she had that intuitive nudge that it was going to work. And I think this is one of the key things is that we get so tied to the outcome, we get so tied to our excuses, we get so tied to the process and our own fears and limiting beliefs that we hold ourselves back. We stop listening to our intuition, we doubt our intuition, we listen to it and then we listen to all of the limiting thoughts that hold us back and all of the excuses and all the crap. But what happens if we just can hear our own intuition and trust that that's going to lead us to the next right step? What if we just released the need to be perfect, the need to be right, and just played?

Speaker 1:

This was kind of the focus in my training this morning in the power house. So the power house is my membership. It's monthly membership. I rarely advertise it, which is really fucking stupid because it's really really good.

Speaker 1:

Um, and for the past, I started in 2024 and nine of the months actually were feng shui inspired and I'm going to do that continually, this in 2025 as well. I initially intended to only do this for the one year, for 2024, but, dang, you know some of the women are saying, oh my gosh, this has helped me through the worst of the times, like, thank you so much for being here. Please continue it. And why would I not? I love showing up on Mondays, every single Monday, and so this month the theme.

Speaker 1:

I have a theme every single month, and this month the theme is intuition. It's honing your intuition and really focusing in on how you can trust it, like hone into it or listen to it or connect into it and then to trust it. And so one of the things that I really spoke to them about today was just taking the freaking pressure off, like play with it. What if you just practiced and had fun? What if you just grabbed a card deck? As soon as you get the instinct stop and go, do I believe this will be red or black card Like that's it Red or black? What is it? Trust that you're just going to be guided to the right answer. Now here's the thing it doesn't really matter who gives a shit. If you're right, yes or no, you're not betting $10,000 on red or black and roulette, right Like. It's just sitting there practicing red or black, red or black, red or black Like.

Speaker 1:

And the thing is is when we can detach from the outcome and like, really just clear our energy and then detach from the outcome, we just start to get more accurate and more accurate and more accurate and more accurate. We spend far too long. We think it's this mystical thing and that there's only you know, psychics that are out there and very few of them aren't full of shit. But, like, we all have intuition, no matter who it is, whether it's it's Oprah or Sarah Blakely or this woman that created $6 million in five years woman that created $6 million in five years, no matter who it is, every single person says listening to their gut was the biggest shift, the biggest thing that they did that made the difference. Jamie Kern, lima it Cosmetics billion dollars. She sold it Cosmetics to L'Oreal.

Speaker 1:

Listening to her gut. She listened to her gut. She didn't listen to all of the naysayers and all the men who told her what to do. She listened to her gut, she took the risk and it worked. When everything looked like it wasn't going to work, it worked. Listening to your gut is the absolute key. You know, we all know, and sometimes just getting into that play energy of what does my gut think, tuning out your thoughts and listening to what do you know to be true. And the more you do that, the more you do that, the more you trust it, the more accurate you become. Take the pressure off. We put a lot of pressure on ourselves, don't we? We put insane pressure on ourselves and we don't need to Just take the pressure off, relax, have fun and see what happens.

Speaker 1:

And if you want to join us in either the powerhouse membership, which is a monthly membership 40 bucks a month Canadian, so that's it feels like it's about 13 cents. Uh, us right now, like our dollars suck shit, but um, it's around $30. I would say maybe even less a month. Us right now. Council, at any time. There is a one week trial period, so there's no fucking excuses. Or if you want to join us in the work, which is like doing the daily work, the things you need to do to achieve the goals and manifest your dream life, that's $90. That's a dollar a day. 90 bucks, 90 days.

Speaker 1:

You will be shocked at what you learn about yourself. It is mind-blowing. To me it's day six and I know what doing the daily work has done for me in the past. I mean know what doing the daily work has done for me in the past. I mean I've manifested and created and achieved like unbelievable things in a very short period of time, in way less than 90 days. But this practice of being accountable to people, like not just accountable to myself but accountable to showing up and like dedication to really reflecting every single day, has been mind blowing, like it's day six. It's wild. I'm obsessed with it, so I hope you are too. See you tomorrow. Thank you so much for listening. I hope you've had some laughs, maybe some ideas, and that you've been inspired to take some type of action toward the life you've always dreamed of. If you feel so called, I would love it if you would share with your besties and leave a review down below. I look forward to bringing you along on this journey and I will see you in the next episode.

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