WTF did she just say?
Oh my goshhhhhhhhhh welcome to my podcast!!! I'm so excited that you're here and I am honoured that you choose to place ME in your AirPods every week!!!
Here's a bit about me:
My name is Sandra. I'm a business coach for women, a feng shui practitioner and a 2x national leadership award winner. In saying all of that though, I feel like I'm just a girl from Saskatchewan, who is put on this earth to inspire you to step into your power ... right fuckin' now.
I think that all too often, we convince ourselves that there is nothing we can do ... that our life "is what it is" and that ONE DAY we might be able to have the life that we dreamed of.
Uhmmmm NO.
That's bullshit.
Sorry ... but it's true. In a split second, you can choose differently. In THIS moment, you can take that courageous step toward the life you desire. It's my job, my gift and my obsession to help you share your sparkle with the world and I'm excited to get started.
You got this. Let's go.
WTF did she just say?
Mastering the Art of Mental Storytelling
This podcast episode explores the power of reframing thoughts in response to emotional triggers, especially rejection. By understanding our mind’s hardwiring, negativity bias, and the stories we tell ourselves, we can reshape our emotional experiences and reclaim our narratives.
• Discussing rejection triggers and emotional spirals
• Understanding the brain's hardwiring for safety
• Exploring negativity bias and seeking validation
• The 90-second rule of emotions
• Taking responsibility for our emotional responses
• The journey of reprogramming thoughts and narratives
• Encouraging listeners to create new stories for themselves
"THE WORK" 90 day challenge:
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CLARITY CALL (one hour intuitive call):
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I'm so glad that you're here. You are listening to what the fuck did she just say with your host? That's me, Sandra Priestly. I'm all about living our best life and finding our zone of brilliance and then removing the resistance so that we can go all in. I say random, crazy shit, which is why I called this podcast the way that I did, and I really hate long drawn out intros. So let's fucking go.
Speaker 1:I had a conversation with a client the other day and rejection is a big trigger for her and she messaged me saying that she had just experienced a situation. She knew that it was her rejection trigger and she just went down the rabbit hole. I mean, her mind was on fire that day. The bitch in the back seat was telling her all sorts of things and I thought about how we can get ourselves stuck in this reactivity place so easily because of how our mind is designed. So first things first. We're hardwired for safety. Things first, we're hardwired for safety. So if our ego perceives any type of pain, any type of perceived pain or like potential problems, potential embarrassment, we start to spiral into all of the possible bad things that this could mean. I mean, we just start to tell story after story after story in our own minds. Number two we have a negativity bias. We are hardwired for negativity, so we are way more likely to believe anything negative than positive. I mean, when she was going down the rabbit hole with all of these stories, some of the things that I would say is but is that true? But what if it isn't? What if this is not true? What if there's another option? What if there's another possibility? And number three our mind seeks to be right. So when we're going through this mental bank of experiences and beliefs, we tag all of them that make that story correct. We go back and we start to find the most obscure thoughts, the most obscure situations that even slightly remote to this one that just happened, so that we can say, yep, I'm right. And we immediately go to trigger response, trigger response, trigger response. But here's the thing this is just all bullshit. It's just the way our minds work. As I listened to, this client tell me the entire story, what happened, what she thought about it, what she thought it meant and all of the situations that happened in the past that tell her that the assumption that she has is correct. She paused for a little bit and she said I must sound crazy. I sound crazy, Okay. And my response was no, you sound normal, because this is what our minds do. The only thing that we need to work on is the understanding that this would be a normal response, and we just got to wait until this goes and stop telling the story.
Speaker 1:An emotion, a feeling will dissipate in 90 seconds. The only thing that holds onto that is the story we keep telling ourselves. We keep feeding the feeling. That's the biggest problem we have, because I don't know about you. How many times have you felt an emotion for 90 seconds and then it just dissipated and you were fine? I mean, seriously, it's rare. It's rare. Most of us feel the feeling and then feed it with a whole bunch of bullshit thoughts. She must've thought that I know what she meant by that. Look, I mean my gosh. We just create our own hell and then complain about the heat.
Speaker 1:We will all have a trigger of some type and we will all have an initial emotional reaction that is just like an automatic reaction. We might not be responsible for that one, but we are responsible for the second one. We are responsible for the stories that we tell ourselves. Not be responsible for that one, but we are responsible for the second one. We are responsible for the stories that we tell ourselves. We are responsible for the way we respond after the emotional reaction. We are responsible for.
Speaker 1:What we do from there on in the work is really to just know all of those things, to know our mind is going to go through these things. Our mind is hardwired for safety. We have a negativity bias and we seek to be right. The first things first is you can understand that, oh, whoa, this is my trigger. Now it makes sense why I would have such a deep emotional response to it. This is just my trigger and this is old shit. Okay, I can choose to tell a new story. I can choose to respond in a different way. I can choose positive. It's choice and it's work that we have to do. Because we have a negativity bias, because we are wanting to be right, and we're going to seek all of those things in the back of our minds that are looking for safety. Right, they're looking for. Okay, where's the potential danger? We have danger generators, that's what they are Doomsday generators. And when we choose to tell ourselves a different story, when we just know okay, this is where my brain is going.
Speaker 1:But this is an opinion. It is not truth, this is an assumption. It is not truth. It is not fact when we know that everything can start to shift, when we know that it's you against your mind that's it. It's you against your mind. Do the work to reprogram it and I promise your entire life can shift as soon as you change your thoughts. Thank you so much for listening. I hope you've had some laughs, maybe some ideas, and that you've been inspired to take some type of action toward the life you've always dreamed of. If you feel so called, I would love it if you would share with your besties and leave a review down below. I look forward to bringing you along on this journey and I will see you in the next episode.