WTF did she just say?
Oh my goshhhhhhhhhh welcome to my podcast!!! I'm so excited that you're here and I am honoured that you choose to place ME in your AirPods every week!!!
Here's a bit about me:
My name is Sandra. I'm a business coach for women, a feng shui practitioner and a 2x national leadership award winner. In saying all of that though, I feel like I'm just a girl from Saskatchewan, who is put on this earth to inspire you to step into your power ... right fuckin' now.
I think that all too often, we convince ourselves that there is nothing we can do ... that our life "is what it is" and that ONE DAY we might be able to have the life that we dreamed of.
Uhmmmm NO.
That's bullshit.
Sorry ... but it's true. In a split second, you can choose differently. In THIS moment, you can take that courageous step toward the life you desire. It's my job, my gift and my obsession to help you share your sparkle with the world and I'm excited to get started.
You got this. Let's go.
WTF did she just say?
Your habits dictate your life and my #1 fave tip on getting things done ☕
Did you know that approximately 43% of our habits are done on autopilot!!!??
This episode focuses on recognizing the habits that no longer serve us and offers practical insights on reprogramming our routines for a healthier, more intentional lifestyle.
• Reflecting on the past year and setting new intentions
• The role of habits in shaping daily actions and outcomes
• The importance of morning routines and making small changes
• Identifying goals and actionable steps for improvement
• Exploring habit stacking as a fun way to merge tasks
• Setting daily intentions and the impact they have
• Invitation to join "the work" for accountability and support
"THE WORK" 90 day challenge:
The POWERHOUSE Membership:
CLARITY CALL (one hour intuitive call):
Join my email list:
I'm so glad that you're here. You are listening to what the fuck did she just say with your host? That's me, sandra Priestly. I'm all about living our best life and finding our zone of brilliance and then removing the resistance so that we can go all in. I say random, crazy shit, which is why I called this podcast the way that I did, and I really hate long drawn out intros. So let's fucking go.
Speaker 1:If you've been listening to the podcast, you'll know that in this period of time after boxing day and before the 31st, I really start to look at, contemplate how my current year has gone, what things I'd like to release, what things I would like to change, what things I would like to do differently. I've started to look at the habits that I've had, those that serve me and those that don't, habits that I've had those that serve me and those that don't and it was this process that led me to the work that I'm starting in January 1st. So in the work, we're going to be sort of reprogramming ourselves and our habits so that we can be focused on the goals that we've set for ourselves, like always doing habits that lead us towards our goal instead of farther away. There is research out there that says that about 43% of our daily actions are habitual, and if we can start to pay more attention to this, we can start to program and we can intentionally make changes that align with our goals and values. It's us taking control and making choices on our life so that we go closer to our goals instead of farther away. It makes so much sense, right? I'll give you an example.
Speaker 1:One of the things that I really started to think about was the fact that, on habit by habit, I wake up in the morning, I grab my phone off of the nightstand, I take a look at the time and instantly I open it. Instantly. There's something fucking massively addicting about an iPhone or a phone, but anyway, I open it up right away. I look to see if I've got any messages on Instagram, messages on TikTok, messages on Facebook, messages on my business page on Facebook or messages in Boxer, and I start to respond. Then I open up and I start to scroll. I mean, this is the worst thing to start your day off, especially if what you're trying to do is manage the cortisol, reduce all of my menopausal symptoms. Rolling over, grabbing my phone and scrolling is the worst thing that I can do. And then what do I do? I get up and then I go and make a coffee, the second worst thing that I can do. I mean, what the hell?
Speaker 1:If I know that my goal is to improve my health and have inflammation loss and all of these things, I need to look at the daily actions, the habits that I'm taking that are not serving me. Those are two of them. So what can I do differently? There are so many things health-wise that I want to do differently that I want to create habits. For here's one of my tips, one of the things when I get really overwhelmed with how many things that I want to do lymphatic drainage, and I want to drink more fucking water and I want to jump on my little mini trampoline for at least two minutes, because that also helps drain lymphatic drainage, by the way. And I would like to go for a walk and I want to eat, following this certain diet, and I mean this is just my health goal and that's just the actions that I want to take. I also have mindset actions that I want to take. So I want to journal every day on my health and the progress that I'm making. I want to say affirmations to myself every day. And then, energy wise, I also have things that I'd like to do. So I would like to set an intention in a lot of the things that I do, even if it's just setting an intention in my coffee before I drink it, holding it in both hands and almost like praying into the coffee, putting an intention into the coffee that is going to serve me, or even just sitting and watching it brew and imagining it's money. All of those things, energetically, make a difference, and even I do this every single day. But every day I get up in the morning and I make my bed. It takes a few minutes and it has just this magic to it where you just feel better and you start your day off. You are so much better off to get up and make your bed, then get up, grab your phone and start to scroll. Then get up, grab your phone and start to scroll.
Speaker 1:One of the things that I love to do as well especially when I feel like I'm I'm overwhelmed with all of the things that I have to do is something that I've been doing for years and it's called habit stacking. So you take one thing that you may be struggling with to get done, and then you take another thing that you love to do and you habit stack them. You do them at the same time, and so one of the things, for example, when I go on my little mini trampoline, when I'm jumping on my little mini trampoline, I will often voxer my biz bestie and she will laugh her ass off. When she was nursing her son, she would talk to me while she was pumping. I also love to listen to podcasts while I'm driving. So it's like this idea of doing something that you don't really love to do, but making it fun because you're doing something at the same time, simultaneously, that you do like to do.
Speaker 1:When I go for a walk, one of the things that I like to do is I'll do belief work out loud while I'm walking. It feels fun, I get distracted in the moment. I get distracted by my belief work, and then I'm not thinking about how much longer is this? It's cold outside. Why am I here? You know, one of the other things that I used to do all the time as well, and I do in the summer, is when I go for a walk. I intentionally go and I sit on my perch. It's like this big, huge rock along the lake shore and I love so much just sit by the water on this rock, and so the idea of I get to sit on my rock if I go for a walk then allowed me the opportunity to have it stacked so that there was something that I love to do sitting on my rock with something that I didn't necessarily love to do, but it was a means to the end, which was the walking.
Speaker 1:You've got to try it. You get two things done at once to try it. You get two things done at once and, honestly, it becomes such an amazing habit that you'll look forward to every single day. Also, if you want to get in the work we start January 1st. The link is in the show notes. It's going to be amazing. I'm going to tell you all of these tips and more throughout the next three months.
Speaker 1:Your life can change so much. So, in three months, like what if all you decided to do was you were going to show up every single day and you were going to work, walk, 10,000 steps for 90 days, every single day, 10,000 steps for 90 days where do you think you'll be? And we're going to be there making sure that you don't fall off. Majority of people will. You will not when you're in the work. I look forward to seeing you in there. See you tomorrow. When you were in the work, I look forward to seeing you in there. See you tomorrow. Thank you so much for listening. I hope you've had some laughs, maybe some ideas, and that you've been inspired to take some type of action toward the life you've always dreamed of. If you feel so called, I would love it if you would share with your besties and leave a review down below. I look forward to bringing you along this journey and I will see you in the next episode.